Feel Better. Be Better. Do Better.


The power of our mind is no longer a secret. It's time to shift neurons and creat the life of your dreams. ~Linn Rivers


My name is Linn Rivers and I show people a different way of living and being in this world.

I have been in the holistic health field and coaching world since 2008.   

I am a health and wellness expert and educator who assists people all around the world in taking their health into their own hands in order to heal on all levels ; mind, body and spirit.

I am currently building a platform that will allow people to learn everything they need to know about chronic health conditions, mental health diseases and how to overcome them.

Gratitude from Clients

Linn, you are an amazing and gifted healer! I am so grateful the Universe led me to you.
My human Design Reading was everything I needed to hear and was a confirmation of what I
knew in my heart.
Thanks to you, I’ve learned the importance of surrendering to the Universe! Seek balance, wait
before responding to anything or anyone that comes my way, and above all, always be my
authentic self.
Once again, thank you and you can be sure I will be scheduling more readings in the not too
distant future.
Thank you and may your light go forth sending healing rays to all who come in contact with you.

Bedeyah H.

I cannot speak more highly of Linn. I was baffled by her wisdom considering I am in my 60’s and
she was able to help me navigate something immensely challenging because she went through
it in her 20’s. I originally started working with Linn through massage and it naturally transformed
into counseling and coaching. What she did for my body was also just as magical. I am literally
a completely different person because of her and I can genuinely say I have never met anyone
like her. There are people who train to be healers and want to be healers, and there are people
who are simply natural born healers. She is undoubtedly a new age shaman and I am so
thankful I was aligned to meet with her.

Jessie K.

My first interaction with Linn was not a professional setting. We were in the same class for
Eastern Medicine, and I was going through so many things at that point in life and Linn simply
said a few things to me that shifted my perspective on everything. I suddenly realized a lot of
things I was carrying and that I needed to let go of, and when I started actually working with Linn
more regularly, my life transformed within days! To give an example, I was in a financial crunch,
and Linn tapped into my energy field immediately without me telling her anything about what
was going on, and she told me what I needed to do. I did not hesitate because I had never felt
such healing and confident energy coming from someone. Not even a week later, I was gifted
two large grants totaling over $10,000 allowing me to finish my program that I was about to exit.
There were so many other transformations that took place too and I will be forever grateful.

Sara J.

About Linn Rivers

It is life changing when you can talk with someone who has already navigated what you are experiencing or working through. Education is great and necessary, but working with someone who has the life experience and empathy will take you further.

"Linn is a graduate of the renowned, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. Her journey with holistic medicine and spiritual counseling however, started way before this time. Linn’s educational background includes; Holistic/Functional Medicine, Spiritual Counseling, Licensed Eastern/Western M.T, Neurolinguistic Programming, Yoga Therapy, Life Coaching, Death Doula, Hypnosis, Human Design Analysis, and she is also a Film Director, Producer, and Writer.

It was her own journey that led her to all of these practices. She is able to connect with people authentically because she herself had to overcome so much trauma and health issues and understands what it is like to be on a healing journey that can often times feel defeating.

Linn is able to connect with people on a wide range of traumatic events that she herself has overcome, such as: death of all loved ones, abandonment, neglect, sexuality, growing up with an alcoholic, relationship trauma, career challenges, lack of direction, feelings of hopelessness, gender identity, anger and fear, addiction, illness, homlessness and near death experiences. Rather these events took place as a child or later in life, Linn has the tools to assist you in moving forward to live the life you absolutely deserve and the life you know you should be living.

"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself,

in your way of thinking."


- Marcus Aurelius

Contact us

If you'd like to get started or have any questions, please contact us using the form on this page.


Linn Rivers
Austin, TX